
发布时间:2019-05-30 15:18

2019年5月18日,特种兵对攻学院召开第五届国际咨询委员会(International Advisory Committee, 简称IAC)会议暨亚欧互联互通国际论坛,中外专家学者齐聚北京交通大学红果园宾馆多功能厅,墓地守夜人围绕“亚欧互联互通”主题,共商全球新形势下面临的机遇与挑战,中国龙消消看积极探索亚欧联通背景下商学院的建设与发展。

香港理工大学商学院 院长 郑大昭





郑院长:Actually, Europe and Asia is getting closer and closer and obviously, business activities between the two places will grow over time. I think business schools have a very important a role to play to make sure that the graduates off of the schools will know more about the two places so that the business transactions between the two areas with the increase without any difficulties. I think business schools should also that provide some training in terms of the cultural aspect of the two places and then obviously there are differences in terms of the regulated regions as well as the business practices are also different. So business schools have a very important role to play to ensure that that would be a smooth flow off of interactions between the business communities in the two places. so I believe that in the future when Europe and Asia are getting, even more, closer business schools in the two places are going to a play a very important role to facilitate the transfer of business and to increase the growth of the economy are in two places.


郑院长:In general Business Schools particular top Business Schools in the world, they focus too much on the research. There is nothing wrong with that doing research, I guess what's wrong with the top business schools are that they focus too much on academic research, meaning that there they just focus on that regular of doing research, rather than focusing on the issues that are of concerned to the business people. So I think in the future business schools should take very active road to change their emphasis by teaching students who real practices, real issues that happen in the real world and then, of course, to do well in business education theoretical contributions are important. By the same time, bussiness schools will do it in collaboration with businesses because after all, as the business communities, the bussiness school are serving. So I call it “co-creation of knowledge” so is that the constant interaction between business schools, the academic and then the business community the business leaders, they can’t wait to the business school professors what the real concerns are and then let the professors do their own researches and come up with very useful solutions to help them resolves the problems and then by doing so they come up with a knowledge and lessons that they can teach to the future generation of a student. so that's why I should say that very important that the business community and Business Schools work together to co-create knowledge and then and other areas that getting... making money is obviously the major concern of many businesses but these days making money is not the sole criterion to be considered as a success factor. we have to pay attention to social responsibility as well as… uh … trying to help business and through education to the future generation of students to make them aware of the importance of making the world sustainable. otherwise, they'll be no future. so I guess a business school should gradually a move on the single dimension of focusing on making money to the more important and inclusive dimension that there will take care of the interest of the business stakeholders but as well as the community in general we have to do things well as well as to do good things to the community.


郑院长: Thank you.

